Our Safeguarding Statement
Jerry Clay Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. To achieve this commitment, we ensure continuous development and improvement of robust safeguarding and child protection processes and procedures that promote a culture of safeguarding amongst our staff and volunteers.
Our Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead is Tracy Swinburne, CEO/Executive Headteacher
Our Academy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Tony Palin
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Aimie Johnson
Our Designated Governor is Helen Jones
Helen. jones @jerryclayacademy.wakefield.sch.uk
If children have any concerns or worries whilst they are in school they can always speak to a member of the safeguarding team, their class teacher, teaching assistant or our Pastoral Lead, Mrs. Wood. In fact all staff in the academy are always ready to listen if you our children have any worries. We do understand that sometimes they may be worried when they are not in school or may not feel comfortable talking to someone, so for that reason we have created this page which has lots of links to websites where you are able to access support and advice. We regularly advise our children of these links. Please remember that we are here to help and although sometimes it may be difficult to talk about personal worries and feelings always remember “a problem shared is a problem halved”
All adults are expected to read the DfE guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education – September 2024.
Wakefield Families Together
The Wakefield Families Together website has launched, providing one easy place for families in the district to find out more about the people, places, and services on hand to provide early help and support.
Because raising a family can have its difficulties and challenges for anyone, so when you need support, now there’s one easy place you can access information and routes to the help you need.
Whether it’s locating your nearest Family Hub, discovering groups to support you, accessing local activities, or simply understanding the professionals who can provide a pathway to help – the Wakefield Families Together website can support with this.
Access the website at: https://www.wakefieldfamiliestogether.co.uk/
If you are being bullied, either physically or emotionally, or are worried that someone else may be you can access support from;
Domestic Violence & Abuse
If you or anyone in your family is experiencing Domestic Violence or abuse you can access support from;
Bereavement and loss
If you are worried about or have experienced Bereavement or loss you can access support from;
General Advice and Support
If you feel that you need some advice or support on any issue would like to be able to find someone to talk to then you can access this on the following websites:
Mental Health
If you are struggling with your own Mental Health or are worried about someone else you can access support from;
Find local help for Mental Health from NHS South West Yorkshire Partnership
WF-I Can
Children aged 8-19 can find support from wf-i-can.co.uk
You are awesome! But if you’re finding things quite hard right now, you’re not alone.
Online Safety
Should you have concerns around any aspect of online safety, including sexting, online abuse or grooming or you are concerned about someone that you are talking to online you can access support from;
Safeguarding and online safety advice
NSPCC (for adults) 0808 800 5000
NSPCC Child Line (18 and under) 0800 1111
NSPCC advice to parents and carers on talking about difficult topics with their children
GOV UK (reporting child abuse)
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)